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269.68.2006 Solu-Medrol 125MG 269.68.2006 Solu-Medrol 125MG

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269.56.2005 Sodium Bicarbonate 1meq/mL- 50mL 269.56.2005 Sodium Bicarbonate 1meq/mL- 50mL

   or remove
269.68.2004 Epinephrine 1:1000 - 1mL 269.68.2004 Epinephrine 1:1000 - 1mL

   or remove
207.72.2096 Ink Cartridge HP 971 Magenta (Max QTY 1) 207.72.2096 Ink Cartridge HP 971 Magenta (Max QTY 1)

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485.60.2002 Ant and Roach Spray (Max QTY 1) 485.60.2002 Ant and Roach Spray (Max QTY 1)

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207.72.2093 Ink Cartridge HP 951 Cyan (Max QTY 1) 207.72.2093 Ink Cartridge HP 951 Cyan (Max QTY 1)

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271.96.2011 Sodium Chloride 10mL Flush (Issued per box) 271.96.2011 Sodium Chloride 10mL Flush (Issued per box)

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475.24.2007 Suction Catheter 10 Fr 475.24.2007 Suction Catheter 10 Fr

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485.84.2001 CLR (MAX QTY 1) 485.84.2001 CLR (MAX QTY 1)

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Sub-Total: $241.14

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